
Legends of Localization: Passport to MOTHER 2

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The popular Legends of Localization website has become a new book series! Get ready for Book 2, which is all about EarthBound and how it was localized into English!

With a script by a famous Japanese writer and a game overflowing with Western pop-culture influences, EarthBound stands out as one of Nintendo’s most fascinating localization projects ever. Get ready for hundreds of pages filled with surprising revelations, inside information, obscure trivia, and universal cosmic destruction. This legend of localization doesn’t stink!

  • 432 full-color pages
  • Hardcover with foil imprint and debossing
  • 'Obi'-style jacket / poster
  • Written and researched from scratch with tons of exclusive information not found online
  • Foreword by Marcus Lindblom, EarthBound's localization director
  • Also available separately: 'Passport to MOTHER 2', a helpful booklet full of Japanese tips and tricks and a full language guide for English-speaking fans who want to play through the original Japanese version

The author, Clyde "Tomato" Mandelin, is a professional translator most known for his work on Attack on Titan, One Piece, Dragon Ball, Summer Wars, and Detective Conan/Case Closed. His notable hobby translations include MOTHER 3, Star Ocean, and Bahamut Lagoon.

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17 reviews Write a Review
Niklas K
Verified Buyer
Great book but handle with care
It's a great book with all the content I was hoping for as an Earthbound-fan, but unfortunately the binding of the book is made out of very soft and delicate paper that tears and stains easily. But a great book nonetheless!
非公式のMOTHER2に関する考察・解説書の中ではNO.1の出来栄え。あらゆる資料を活用した徹底的なリサーチ、糸井重里さんへの直接のインタビュー経験ありという信頼性のあるソース、ローカライズ解説という分野において著者の日米文化凄まじい理解度の高さなどが起因し読み手への、「説得力」がとにかく高い。2つのゲームを並べてローカライズされた部分を単純に比較するではなく、なぜこういう仕様変更があったのか?このテキストが日本語版とはまったく意味の異なるものなのか?当時の米国の状況や任天堂の経営方針、ローカライザーの苦悩などを交えて丁寧に書き連ねているため非常に分かりやすい内容となっている。さらに、ほぼ全ページに渡って実際のゲーム中のテキストや、オマージュ元となる作品の画像を添えることで視覚的にも伝わりやすいのもグッド。その数は1000枚を越える(本来、この本のターゲットは英語圏向けなので当然ではあるが) これを読むことで、よりMOTHERの世界がさらに深まるのは間違いないだろう。自分はMOTHER2を食べ尽くしたと思い込んでいたがそれは間違いだった。ここには新しい世界があった。
非公式のMOTHER2に関する考察・解説書の中ではNO.1の出来栄え。あらゆる資料を活用した徹底的なリサーチ、糸井重里さんへの直接のインタビュー経験ありという信頼性のあるソース、ローカライズ解説という分野において著者の日米文化凄まじい理解度の高さなどが起因し読み手への、「説得力」がとにかく高い。2つのゲームを並べてローカライズされた部分を単純に比較するではなく、なぜこういう仕様変更があったのか?このテキストが日本語版とはまったく意味の異なるものなのか?当時の米国の状況や任天堂の経営方針、ローカライザーの苦悩などを交えて丁寧に書き連ねているため非常に分かりやすい内容となっている。さらに、ほぼ全ページに渡って実際のゲーム中のテキストや、オマージュ元となる作品の画像を添えることで視覚的にも伝わりやすいのもグッド。その数は1000枚を越える(本来、この本のターゲットは英語圏向けなので当然ではあるが) これを読むことで、よりMOTHERの世界がさらに深まるのは間違いないだろう。自分はMOTHER2を食べ尽くしたと思い込んでいたがそれは間違いだった。ここには新しい世界があった。
Andrew B
Verified Buyer
You don't need this (but you do....)
The great amount of care to detail and changes in the Super Famicom/Super Nintendo (and even other releases on GBA) is impressive. While it is a ton of trivial information that I would never have thought to look into, it does a great job of explaining both the original intentions of Mother 2 while showing the delicate job of localizing for the US market. I am thoroughly impressed, and Mandelin (author) shows a ton of love in every page.
Benjamin J
Verified Buyer
If you're an Earthbound fan, then this book is a must buy! It does exactly what it says it does and goes through the entire game showing how Mother 2 was localized to Earthbound for the rest of the world. I found every detail, fact, secret, and change that they made for the localization fascinating. The only problem I had is that one day when I went to read the book again I found that the very last page had been partly unglued from the spine making it look partly uncentered compared to all the other pages. Thankfully though, this page didn't have any text or pictures on it so it didn't ruin my reading experience at all. In the end, I give this book a rating of 199X out of 20XX. A great buy.
Claire Y
I got this for myself for Christmas in 2016. Ever since I learned about Clyde Mandelin, I've thought he's the coolest guy. When I learned he was publishing a book about Earthbound, I had to get it as soon as possible, and I'm so glad I did! It's an incredible and very fascinating look at what is probably my most favorite game of all time. You can tell a lot of love and passion went into the creation of this book. It made me realize that I want to localize games as well, which is a career I am now pursuing! If you love Earthbound and/or are interested in what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to localizing a game, definitely give this book a shot!