Update Regarding COVID-19

Update 1/19: Our COVID policies are still in place. We’re working to get your packages out as fast as we can, but our average shipping time will remain at up to 2 weeks so long as these increased precautions are necessary.

Thanks so much for your order and your patience.

Hi everyone,

Here at Fangamer we've been working for the last couple of weeks to change the way we do business to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19. So far that hasn't dramatically impacted our ability to fulfill orders, but since we've gotten some questions we wanted to update you on how it might, and what we've been doing so far. We're based in Tucson, Arizona, so all of this is subject to change as recommendations from our local government do.

  • All non-mailroom operations at Fangamer are mandatory work-from-home. (This email probably reads like it's coming from someone's kitchen table, right?)
  • Currently we're still shipping orders out as we receive them. To stay healthy and follow the advice of public health experts, we've doubled the amount of space we normally use to operate in our mailroom, moving to one packer or shipper per 8' table. We're also regularly disinfecting all mailroom surfaces, limiting the number of stations where multiple people need to operate, and ensuring that all of us have the paid-sick-leave time we need to comfortably stay home if we don't feel 100%. Right now we're still shipping at our usual pace, but we expect all these measures combined could begin to cause delays.
  • Local pickup is temporarily unavailable. Sorry! (We don't do a good job of advertising this option, so if you live in Tucson and this is the first you've heard of it… well, we can't wait to see you after this is all over.)

All of us have to do what we can to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by listening to the experts and putting their recommendations into action; if the situation changes here we'll be sure to let you know. Thanks for being a Fangamer customer, and for choosing our corporate COVID-19 email to read out of all of them that are currently in your inbox. We truly appreciate it.
