

As bright and bouncy as it is catchy, the soundtrack to Katamari Damacy hosts an eclectic mix of Synth, Pop, Jazz and Swing as performed by an assortment of incredible Japanese vocalists and composers.

This official 2xLP Katamari Damacy soundtrack on green and pink vinyl was put out by Mondo with beautiful artwork from We Buy Your Kids. 

Side A Side B

01. Katamari Nah-Nah (ナナナン塊) (1:21)
02. Katamari On The Rocks - Main Theme (塊オンザロック~メインテーマ) (5:57)
03. Overture (0:49)
04. The Moon & The Prince (月と王子) (5:30)
05. Fugue #7777 (フーガ#7777) (1:22)
06. Lonely Rolling Star (5:44)

07. Walking On A Star! (ステキ星のさんぽはステキ) (3:12)
08. Katamari Mambo (Katamari Syndrome Re-mix) (塊シンドロームmix) (5:35)
09. You Are Smart (3:32)
10. Gin & Tonic & Red Red Roses (真っ赤なバラとジントニック) (4:29)
11. Namco - Wanda Wanda (3:23)
    Side C Side D

    12. Que Sera Sera (ケ・セラ・セラ) (5:31)
    13. Angel Gifts (天使風味の贈り物) (5:08)
    14. Roll Me In (カタマりたいの) (5:53)
    15. Katamari☆Stars (カタマリ☆スターズ) (2:28)

    16. Cherry Tree Times (さくらいろの季節) (6:14)
    17. Lovely Angel (ラブリーエンジェル) (1:27)
    18. Stardust Fanfare (サターダスト・ファンファーレ) (0:08)
    19. The Last Samba (さいごにサンバ) (1:00)
    20. Katamari of Love ~ Ending Theme" (愛のカタマリ~エンディングテーマ) (4:09)
    21."Katamari March Damacy" (塊マーチ魂) (2:21)



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